73 Retail


Specialist outdoors lifestyle brand Seventy Three Retail is a premium UK franchise partner for Timberland, The North Face, as well as Havaianas, the iconic Brazilian flip-flop brand. The company was established in 2010 by founding partners Luke Underhill and James Pascoe both previously from Crew Clothing. 

Growing fast and now with over 35 stores across the UK, the company has standardised on Futura since 2011 to provide a highly flexible and scalable retail technology solution. This includes Futura’s powerful, easy to use, EPOS solution, plus core head office functionality, supporting buying, merchandising, stock management and reporting, and more recently online integration with www.73retail.com.

Seventy Three Retail was one of first Futura users to offer email receipts on the Futura platform, following work to integrate the yReceipts application. This has added a further layer to customer service making shopping easier, but also ensuring better customer data capture and feedback too. 

Customers now receive a digital receipt emailed to their inbox, straight from the till. Receipts are fully customised to maintain store branding and can include targeted offers, real-time feedback and social media integration to increase customer interaction.  

/imagelib/Timberland-Receipt-issued-by-73-Retail-using-YReceiptsLuke Underhill, Founding Director, Seventy Retail said: “As exclusive UK franchise partners for Timberland, The North Face and other brands the Futura retail platform provides a rock solid retail solution for a multifaceted business model like ours. Combined with an excellent reputation it was a simple choice for us.” 

“Adding yReceipts functionality not only improves the customer experience, but encourages immediate interaction and feedback with immeasurable value both to us and our retail partners.”


  • Expanding UK Franchise brand with 35 stores
  • Futura customer since 2011
  • Accurate stock allocations between store & web
  • yReceipts
  • Buying, merchandising & stock management
  • Reporting and management information
  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

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